Didaktik der Biologie (englisch)

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Research: movie about the REASON program

Teaching: movie for students in biology education

The Institute for the Didactics of Biology trains students who want to acquire a degree in teaching biology at primary schools and different types of secondary schools in Germany (Gymnasium, Realschule, Hauptschule), and at schools for pupils with special needs as well. The didactics of biology combines natural sciences, and pedagogy. It presents scientific findings and knowledge about teaching and learning of biology and applies them to practice. Please contact the study advisory service (Studienberatung) if you have any questions on teacher-training and courses. Students and teachers are invited to use our library (Bibliothek) and our comprehensive collection (Sammlung) of biological teaching material. We offer interested teachers vocational and further trainings which we organise in cooperation with governmental and non-governmental institutions. Please feel free to search for more information about the programme (Fortbildungen) here.

To achieve high standard teaching intensive research is indispensable. The research group of Prof. Neuhaus investigates what factors are crucial for effective biology instruction. Applying qualitative and quantitative methods it gives empirically justified guidelines and recommendations for successful education. Closely cooperating with educationalists of biology and other subjects, with psychologists, pedagogues, educational researchers, and teachers, the research group connects theory and practice. In this Germany-wide cooperation we do not only develop scientifically substantiated and evidence based teaching concepts and give methodological and didactical instructions and recommendations but also analyse and offer proposals how to cope with challenges of school reality.

By intensive attended imparting of didactical knowledge in study and courses (Studium und Lehre) we attempt to build a bridge between well-grounded theoretical research (Forschung) and practice in school (Hinweise für Lehrkräfte).