Didaktik der Biologie (englisch)

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William Boone

Prof. Dr. William Boone


Prof. Dr. William Boone is an expert in the field of the Rasch analysis. While visiting Germany he offers workshops including the use of Rasch analysis, e.g. in the context of REASON and COSIMA, as in 2019.

  • Prof. Dr. William Boone: 17.01. - 25.01.2019
  • Prof. Dr. William Boone: 07.01. - 14.01.2016
  • Prof. Dr. William Boone: 06.01. - 15.01.2015
  • Prof. Dr. William Boone: 09.01- - 22.01.2014
  • Prof. Dr. William Boone: 13.06. - 21.06.2013