Research associations
DFG research group: Analysis and promotion of diagnostic-competences in simulation-based learning enviroments at the university
The new research group of Professor Frank Fischer investigates the acquisition of diagnostic competences in simulation-based learning enviroments. more
Teacher training@LMU
Work Focus: Teaching/learning seminars, subproject UNI-class science
Digital Campus Bavaria
The Chair of Education and Educational Psychology at the LMU, together with the Chair of Didactics for the German Language and for the Didactics of German as a Second Language at the LMU as well as the Institute for Biology Education are currently developing an interdisciplinary and IT-supported range of courses for each subject, following the tendering for the “Digitaler Campus Bayern” initative. more
BMBF Collaborative Project E-PROM
What influence does the promotion phase have on the career of young scientists in the life sciences? more
BMBF Collaborative Project - Biology in Context (bik)
Elite Network of Bavaria (ENB)
REASON - Scientific Reasoning and Argumentation
Munich Center of the Learning Sciences (MCLS)
Network NAPLES
Professional knowledge in the natural sciences (ProwiN-Projekt)
DFG research group and graduate school Teaching and Learning of science
In an interdisciplinary cooperation, experts from the fields of physics, chemistry and biology education, specialists in the psychology of learning and instruction, and educational scientists examined the problems of science education. more