Didaktik der Biologie (englisch)

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DigitUS-Digitalisation of teaching in schools (BMBF, 04/2019-03/2022)

involved persons:

LMU: Prof. Dr. Frank Fischer, Prof. Dr. Birgit J. Neuhaus, Prof. Dr. Stefan Ufer, PD Dr. Karsten Stegmann, Dr. Christian Förtsch, Tobias Riggenmann, Julia Meuleners, Sonja Berger, Tamara Kastorff, Timo Kosiol
TUM: Prof. Dr. Claudia Nerdel, Prof. Dr. Maria Bannert, Melanie Ripsam
BUW: Prof. Dr. Cornelia Gräsel
MLU: Prof. Dr. Martin Lindner, Tobias Held
ISB: Dr. Karin Oechslein

Nowadays, the use of digital tools increasingly determines everyday life – accordingly, digitalization of teaching at school is an important topic. On the one hand, students should be enabled to us digital tools responsibly. On the other hand, digital tools should be used for teaching. However, it is still unclear how digital tools can be used effectively in teaching and learning. Particularly in science teaching, there is still disagreement how the promoting effect of digital tools used for teaching for the development of students’ skills.

The professional knowledge of teachers in particular is a relevant factor for structuring lessons for the stimulation of students’ learning (e.g. Baumert & Kunter, 2006; Förtsch, Werner, Kotzebue, & Neuhaus, 2016; Jüttner & Neuhaus, 2013). Teachers structure their lessons using their professional competences. These competences should also include the effective use of digital tools for their subject. This technological component of the professional competences is considered in various theoretical models (Forschungsgruppe Lehrerbildung Digitaler Campus Bayern, 2017; Schmidt et al., 2009; von Kotzebue et al., 2019, accepted). However, empirical investigation of the conditions for effective using of digital tools in science teaching is still lacking.

Therefore, this project aims to develop an empirically based model of conditions relevant for success in digitalization of science education. To this end, various factors will be examined at different levels: In addition to the digital infrastructure in schools, the professional knowledge and some affective components of teachers professional competences will be investigated. Additionally, biology lessons will be observed as well as the learning progress and some affective aspects of the students. This intervention study is structured as a pre-post-design. The effect of teacher training for establishing learning communities within a school will be investigated to examine the possible effects on the effective use of digital tools in science teaching (e.g. in biology and mathematics lessons).

For further information see: digitus.lmu.de

Baumert, J., & Kunter, M. (2006). Stichwort: Professionelle Kompetenz von Lehrkräften. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 9(4), 469–520.
Forschungsgruppe Lehrerbildung Digitaler Campus Bayern (2017). Kernkompetenzen von Lehrkräften für das Unterrichten in einer digitalisierten Welt. merz Medien + Erziehung Zeitschrift für Medienpädagogik, 61(4), 65–74.
Förtsch, C., Werner, S., Kotzebue, L. von, & Neuhaus, B. J. (2016). Effects of biology teachers’ professional knowledge and cognitive activation on students’ achievement. International Journal of Science Education, 1–25. https://doi.org/10.1080/09500693.2016.1257170
Jüttner, M., & Neuhaus, B. J. (2013). Das Professionswissen von Biologielehrkräften: Ein Vergleich zwischen Biologielehrkräften, Biologen und Pädagogen. Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften, 19, 31–49.
Schmidt, D. A., Baran, E., Thompson, A. D., Mishra, P., Koehler, M. J., & Shin, T. S. (2009). Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK): The development and validation of an assessment instrument for preservice teachers. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 42(2), 123–149. https://doi.org/10.1080/15391523.2009.10782544
Von Kotzebue, L., Franke, U., Schultz-Pernice, F., Aufleger, M., Neuhaus, B. J., & Fischer, F. (2019, akzeptiert). Modelle zu Kernkompetenzen von (angehenden) Lehrkräften für das digitale Lehren und Lernen veranschaulicht am Beispiel des Biologieunterrichts. Unterrichtswissenschaft.