Didaktik der Biologie (englisch)

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Susanne Steinbrenner

Susanne Steinbrenner

Technical staff


LMU Munich
Faculty of Biology
Institute for Biology Education
Winzererstr. 45/II
80797 Munich

Please use the German postal adress for letters

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Fakultät für Biologie
Institut für die Didaktik der Biologie
Winzererstr. 45/II
80797 München

Phone: +49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 6499

Following her diploma in biology, Susanne Steinbrenner worked for the “Biologische Station Mittlere Wupper” and for the “League for the Environment and Nature Conservation”, Berlin. Since November 2002, she is technical assistant at the Institute for the Didactics of Biology. She prepares and carries out school experiments, takes care of the school laboratory, and organises the collection.